Corporate Events

Room of Arches of the National Palace of Pena
Restaurant located on the last floor of the old stables of the palace, where one can appreciate a meal while enjoying the Park of Pena stunning landscape.
Capacity: 120 pax sitting | 160 pax standing
Accessibility: Elevator. Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Versatility and acoustics enhanced by the room’s ceiling architecture

Swans Hall of the National Palace of Sintra
Up until the 19th century, this was where the court would gather for banquets, music soirees, public receptions, religious festivities, and even burial ceremonies.
Capacity: 100 pax sitting | 130 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Direct access to the Central Patio

Manueline Room of the National Palace of Sintra
During the reign of King Manuel I this was the Great Hall. Its doors and windows feature twisted strands of rope and plant motifs, typical of the decorative style of that period. This room gives access to Queen Maria Pia’s Apartments Covered Balcony, whith a stunning view over the historic center and the Moorish Castle.
Capacity: 60 pax sitting| 80 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Direct access to the Central Patio and the balcony over the historic center.

Music Room of the Palace of Monserrate
This is the largest hall in the palace, where music, the main social entertainment of the period, would be played in the evenings. The structure and decoration of the room provide for excellent acoustics, which allow music to spread throughout the house.
Capacity: 60 pax sitting | 80 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Room with excellent acoustics. The piano can be played by a professional musician

Throne Room of the National Palace of Queluz
The largest state room of the palace stands out with its delicate gilded decoration, its numerous mirrors that reflect the light emerging from the monumental chandeliers and the French windows, which open directly onto the garden.
Capacity: 200 pax sitting| 230 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Room with excellent acoustics, that can be used with the Music Room (adjacent). Direct access to the Malta Garden.

Music Room of the National Palace of Queluz
This room is decorated with representations of violins and other instruments, suspended from the concave part of the ceiling by ribbons and tassels, and was stage to numerous concerts for the occasion of royal birthdays and other court parties.
Capacity: 80 pax sitting| 100 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible for people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Room with excellent acoustics. Direct access to the Malta Garden.

Ambassadors Room of the National Palace of Queluz
King João VI chose this room for audiences and hand-kissing cerimonies: on specific days, the nobility, the court, and members of the diplomatic corps were summoned to the palace to pay homage to the monarch.
Capacity: 60 pax sitting| 80 pax standing
Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions
Characteristics: Direct access to the Hanging Garden