Event Venues | National Palace of Queluz

PNQ Imagem Principal Bx

The National Palace of Queluz charms whether for its imposing nature or the sheer exuberance of its architectural details closely bound up with the lives of three generations of the Portuguese Royal Family and the scene of intense emotions. The Palace furthermore reflects the evolution in the tastes and styles over different period, moving from the Baroque to the Rococo and onto Neoclassicism.

Its surrounding scenic gardens invite you for a “stroll” through a period in which the court organised sumptuous parties and that hold the memories of trips by gondola along the canal, theatre, hunting, musical and literary performances, masked balls, games and open-air recitals. A dreamlike scenario, animated by the waterfalls and delicate water games.

The Gardens National Palace of Queluz may be commandeered for state events. Should this occur, any events scheduled for coinciding dates may have be cancelled.

Throne Room

The largest state room of the palace stands out with its delicate gilded decoration, its numerous mirrors that reflect the light emerging from the monumental chandeliers and the French windows, which open directly onto the garden.

Capacity: 200 pax sitting| 230 pax standing

Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions

Characteristics: Room with excellent acoustics, that can be used with the Music Room (adjacent). Direct access to the Malta Garden.

PNQ Sala Do Trono Opção 2 Bx

Music Room

This room is decorated with representations of violins and other instruments, suspended from the concave part of the ceiling by ribbons and tassels, and was stage to numerous concerts for the occasion of royal birthdays and other court parties.

Capacity: 80 pax sitting| 100 pax standing

Accessibility: Accessible for people with mobility restrictions

Characteristics: Room with excellent acoustics. Direct access to the Malta Garden.

PNQ Sala Da Música

Ambassadors Room

King João VI chose this room for audiences and hand-kissing cerimonies: on specific days, the nobility, the court, and members of the diplomatic corps were summoned to the palace to pay homage to the monarch.

Capacity: 60 pax sitting| 80 pax standing

Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions

Characteristics: Direct access to the Hanging Garden

PNQ Embaixadores Bx

Robillion Staircase, Terraces and Gardens

With their lakes, vases, urns, and marble statuary, the Malta and the Hanging Gardens are two of the main features of the Gardens of the Queluz, together with the imposing Robillion Staircase, facing the Tiled Canal. The Robillion Pavilion provides an incomparable view over the gardens and orchards, the canal, and the Shells Cascade.

Capacity: 200 pax sitting| 260 pax standing

Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions

Characteristics: Direct access from the Queen Maria I Square, in the exterior of the palace, as well as from the palace interiors. Private performances by the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art can also be booked

PNQ Escadaria Robillion (2) Bx

Events Room

An interior room, extremely accessible and versatile for different types of events, located within the Robillion Pavillion, near the auditorium, the cafeteria, and its terrace. Direct access from the exterior through the Tunnel.

Capacity: 80 pax sitting | 100 pax standing

Accessibility: Access through steps

Characteristics: Space adequate for sound animation


PNQ Sala De Eventos


With an excellent location, next to the cafeteria’s terrace and the Events Room, the Auditorium features direct access to the exterior and the gardens. It is fully equipped, which makes this the perfect setting for a corporate event.

Capacity: 80 pax sitting

Accessibility: Accessible to people with mobility restrictions.

Characteristics: Direct access to the gardens, the terrace, the events room and the cafeteria.


PNQ Auditorio


Park and Palace of Monserrate


Private and corporate events


+351 21 923 73 00

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+351 21 923 73 00

Event Suggestion

Work session: Auditorium

Lunch: Events Room

Cocktail: Robillion Staircase with a performance by the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art

Dinner: Throne Room

Historical reenactment animation

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