Family equestrian events: Gentil – a symbol of Portuguese equestrian art

APP1116 Jogoscorte SF 8932 Vasco Gaiolas Pinto Com Xajeco E Emanuel Lucas Com Véber, Créditos Rita Fernandes (4)


Henrique Calado Riding Ring




30 minutes


Families with children aged 6 and over

The Lusitano stallion Gentil, who is depicted in the equestrian statue of King José I on the Terreiro do Paço, is the emblem of our new programme of events for young people and families. This aims to present the main milestones and stages in the emergence of horse riding and equestrian art in Portugal, interspersing educational content with striking demonstrations of this unique manifestation of world heritage.


March 15th

July 19th

October 11th

December 13th

Price list

North Stall
12 €
South Stall
8 €
20 €

Children <6 years old - FREE

Price for Schools

5 €

Additional Information

From 11 am, it is possible to visit the behind the scenes at Nora Pateo.

Tickets for schools must be booked via [email protected]

Show recommended for ages 6 and up.

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