15th-19th Sept 2024: Park and National Palace of Pena, Moorish Castle, Convent of the Capuchos, and Park and Palace of Monserrate closed due to a high risk of rural fire. Learn more here. /// The Swan Room of the National Palace of Sintra will be closed on the 16th and 17th of September.

Carrossel, Creditos Afonso Bordallo Rodrigues (Baixa Resolução)


Portuguese School of Equestrian Art

APP1116 Aomico SF 7854

On February 15, 2005, a promising Lusitano horse was born in Alter. Aomico entered the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art at the age of four and is today a regular performer of the Airs Above the Ground, executed both by hand and while ridden. Fruit of the relationship between Que-Judia and the stallion Oharte, he inherited from his father excellent skills for the Picaria Real exercises. Aomico naturally enjoys jumping and hence as dedicated himself with gusto and genuine pleasure to performing Caprioles.