Parques de Sintra joins act4nature Portugal in defence of biodiversity
10 Jan 2025
As part of its journey towards sustainability, Parques de Sintra has joined act4nature Portugal, an initiative of the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) through which companies commit to protecting, promoting and restoring biodiversity throughout their value chains. To achieve this, they follow a pragmatic, science-based approach that better responds to future demands in the management of natural capital while boosting people's quality of life and the continuity of local economies.
A member of the BCSD since 2022, Parques de Sintra sees joining act4nature Portugal – which currently comprises 46 Portuguese companies from different areas – as an opportunity to involve the whole community in investing even more in preserving biodiversity. Luís Calaim, director of Parques de Sintra, argues that positioning "the preservation of biodiversity as the focal point of the entire company" allows the company to reach a new level. "In doing so, we not only strengthen the company's long-term resilience, but also make a significant contribution to the conservation of natural ecosystems in the here and now," he concludes.
By joining act4nature Portugal, companies sign up to 10 Common Commitments, the main objectives of which are to integrate biodiversity into corporate strategy and throughout the value chain based on dialogue with stakeholders, assessing impacts on biodiversity and establishing partnerships; giving priority to mitigating these impacts and promoting nature-based solutions; empowering employees; engaging in dialogue with political decision-makers; and ensuring public reporting on the implementation of the commitments made.
Each member company also establishes a set of individual SMART commitments (specific, measurable, additional, realistic/relevant and time-bound) aligned with its activity, the fulfilment of which is monitored periodically with a view to continuous improvement. Parques de Sintra has defined 8 commitments aimed at increasing the area of high conservation values and stimulating biodiversity in the natural heritage under its management. To achieve its objectives, it plans not only to implement specific nature conservation actions, but also to actively involve its employees and the local community.
act4nature Portugal arose from a realisation that urgent action is needed to protect the planet's biodiversity, with studies pointing to a 60% reduction in wild vertebrate populations over the last 50 years and indications of a 6th mass extinction event. Along with climate change, biodiversity loss has become one of the most pressing challenges of our time.
In this context, companies can and must contribute to halting the loss of biodiversity and to its regeneration. It is not just a question of corporate social responsibility; without stable and resilient ecosystems, humanity itself is at risk.